
Technology Teacher Standards Addressed

Standard II: Communication
Standard V: Integrating Technology into the Curriculum and Instruction


This is the electronic version of the 4 x 8 index cards I used to give to my students on the first day of class to gather information about them.


Students filled out the questionnaire as requested, but wanted extra credit for it,  which they never asked for with the paper version.  Also, somehow it was more difficult to read the student information. Further, I was very uncomfortable about adding access to this page for privacy reasons, and in the end shared it with my fellow STEPers and with our teachers for STEP.

Iliad Think About Questions constitutes 8 questions about the Iliad for students to type answers into.

This form made it much easier for me to read the students' responses.  It also gave me an excuse to give each student 20 bonus points just for using my form, which they really needed.  As usual, they whined about having to type their answers.


I used a gadget to make flash cards for vocabulary / character review for Macbeth.


Each time we tried to use this gadget in class, it failed to load properly.  Finally I switched to Firefox, and it worked better, but by then the students and I were so frustrated with it that we didn't really care for the gadget.  Perhaps next year it will serve its intended purpose.