Professional Development

Technology Teacher Standards Addressed

Standard II: Communication
Standard III: Legal, Social and Ethical Issues
Standard V: Integrating Technology into the Curriculum and Instruction
Standard VII: Professional Growth


As a STEP team we developed an Introduction to Google Documents for February's professional development. We created a handout with step by step directions for the staff members to complete a Google Form before the start of the professional development. We then reviewed the results with them. After this step, we introduced sharing collaborative planning documents using a power point. 


After the staff-wide training, team members trained staff individually during collaborative planning sessions.  Because the AVPs were due from our students last week, we have not been meeting in collaborative planning for three weeks.  We will soon see what, if anything, was retained. Overall, I think the teachers were excited about the idea of using Google docs. They would be more consistent if the technology in the building were reliable.

Documents used

Pictures of Croom in Action

Croom's Change Implementation Plan.